Balloch and Haldane Community Council represents the local community. We act as the voice of the community on local and national issues and are happy to represent local constituents and businesses on issues they may face with government bodies and authorities. We encourage locals to attend the Community Council meetings to hear what's going on and also to raise any concerns and highlight any good news!
You can read more about Balloch and Haldane Community Council via West Dunbartonshire Council website: -
Balloch and Haldane Community Council | West Dunbartonshire Council (
meet the Balloch and Haldance Community Council Board
Balloch and Haldane Community Council are asking for your help to raise funds to aid in the purchase of the tourist information building and the land Flamingo Land has earmarked.
All funds raised will help to ensure the building and West Riverside are kept in the hands of those who care about it so that they can be used for the betterment of the local community and to create wealth and well-being opportunities for the local communities and those who regularly visit the area.
The Community Development Trust will apply to the Scottish Land Fund for funding, but this will not be for the full amount of money that we need so every penny raised will go towards our goal of saving Loch Lomond.
You can donate via this link GoFundMe,
Even a small donation could help Balloch and Haldane Community Council reach their fundraising goal. And if you can't make a donation, it would be great if you could share the fundraiser to help spread the word.
By donating, you will be instrumental in allowing the Trust to fund the process to secure an asset transfer of the Tourist Information building and associated land on the banks of Loch Lomond and the west side of Balloch.
We appreciate times are hard so even if you can only spare a few pounds, this will go a long way. Thank you for your continued support.
Balloch and Haldane Community Council - Next Meeting
Our next community council meeting will take place on Tuesday the 7th of Jan in Balloch House hotel at 18.30.
ALL in support of the Loch Lomond South Community Development Trust are welcome to attend.
Further events and meetings relating to the CDT will be announced soon.
If you think a community development trust is a good idea and simply support this by signing your name or if you would like to be part of this and volunteer your time in some way shape or form, please complete this form and we will keep updated on all developments.
For further information contact
Follow us on YouTube via
Loch Lomond South Community Development Trust - YouTube
As representatives of Balloch and Haldane constituents, we are here to help you if you are facing a problem. Please feel free to contact us via email or attend our next meeting.
Balloch and Haldane Community Council meetings normally take place at 18:30 on the first Tuesday of each month in Balloch House Hotel.
Meantime, if you have an urgent matter, we will still be in hand to aid and assist so please do reach out.
Do you have the desire and passion help Balloch and Haldane Community Council have a local and national voice on subjects that underpin our social economic values and aims? If so, please contact us via email or drop into our next meeting to see how you can apply to become a local Community Councillor
Watch as day 10 of the 2023 UCI Cycling World Championships arrives in Balloch.
Community Councillors must know and follow the Code of Conduct, which is a set of rules that say how people should behave when they are at work. The Code of Conduct applies to all Community Councillors and people who represent the Community Council.
The Code of Conduct includes the following rules:
You can download the full Code of Conduct via this link:
Code of Conduct for Councillors (
Do you want to help support the local Community Council? You can do so either by lending your time or donating financially to support the work we are doing for the local community. We deem your time as far more valuable than any financial donation. In terms of your time, we would ask that you attend as many monthly meetings as you possibly can. In terms of financial donation, please note the below packages that are available to the public and business to support our activities by way of financial donation: -
For less than a cup of coffee
This level of donation will help with the running costs of the council and go towards helping the campaign in support of the local community including costs towards the set up community development trust
For less than the cost of a sandwich
This level of donation will help with the running costs of the council, help with the costs of hosting events in support of the local community and will help to pay for professional service costs when representing the local community.
For less than a takeaway chip shop meal
This level of donation will help the Community Council to invest in the local area, as voted for and will further fund all other activities in support of the local constiuents, businesses and environment.
If you would like to support Balloch and Haldane Community Council by way of lending your time and expertise in kind, or if you would like to donate a financial contribution to the running of or to a specific project, then please submit a form expressing your interest via the Contact Us section below.
We’d love to hear from you. Please send a message using the form below we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.